Drug and alcohol testing
Kopek offers drug and alcohol testing that utilises state-of-the-art technology and highly trained personnel to conduct in situ drug and alcohol tests that can be relied on to demonstrate the absence of drugs and alcohol.
Security should be co-operative.
Universities face ever-changing challenges. From rapid coronavirus spread in student residences to increased levels of criminality and anti-social behavior, when Aston University approached us they were in need of a comprehensive security strategy.
We were able to counteract all these challenges swiftly, with manned entrances and with clear control measures. We rapidly saw drastic reductions in parties and prevented the access of non-students – ensuring a calmer and safer campus.
This benefits everyone – not just University managers. Highly visible patrols around the campus have gained us excellent feedback from students who feel safer going about their usual University lives.
We remain responsive to our client’s changing needs: we were subsequently asked to provide an ad hoc search dog team to conduct sweeps of areas for hidden or discarded articles or weapons, to ensure the campus remained a safer place. This sweep proved highly successful: the dogs have made some very interesting finds including metal bars, chains, sharp implements and even grinders and drugs.
Security keeps everyone safer.
Kopek offers drug and alcohol testing that utilises state-of-the-art technology and highly trained personnel to conduct in situ drug and alcohol tests that can be relied on to demonstrate the absence of drugs and alcohol.
We respect our dogs for a reason: they are the best at what they do! Our detection dogs have proven this to be the case again and again.
We bring the same emphasis on attention to detail, de-escalation and quiet efficiency to all of our dog-handling services.
We’re a human-level business: we believe that treating staff and clients like people achieves more productive relationships – and more secure sites.
At Kopek Facilities Management, we take the safety of our clients seriously. Keyholding makes that commitment literal: we take on the responsibility of being your back-up, your fail-safe; you entrust your keys to us for … well, safe-keeping.
Not all loads are created equal – some are more valuable than others. When your HGV is carrying a cargo that counts, our High-Value Vehicle Escort services are there to provide the practical defences – and the visible deterrents – that are needed to be sure valuable goods reach their destination.
Physical security guards provide a range of services: they are a visible deterrent and an emergency response team; they can prevent injury and loss, deal with harassment or damage.
When it comes to security, sometimes there’s a lot of ground to cover. That’s where mobile patrols can come into their own, offering a visible presence across a distributed area.
Vacant properties have security concerns all of their own – and many insurance companies understand this, requiring vacant property inspections as a term of their policies. We understand that this is an important responsibility – and we deliver void property inspections that do more than tick a box.
Our approach to events and stewarding is full service: every element of our capacity can be deployed to any event: from manned guards to dog handlers, emergency response teams to mobile CCTV towers, we look at every aspect of an event to understand exactly what shape our security approach should take.
It’s logistics that makes the world go around. Fleets of trucks – and of truck drivers – ensure that cargoes reach their destination, on time and on budget, so that consumers can access the goods they need. And logistics security ensures they get there safely.
Keeping people and properties safe from fire is among the most important – and fundamental – responsibility our clients have. At events and sites across the country, they trust us and our fire marshals to make sure that everything is as it should be – and the potential for damaging incidents is eliminated.
We’ve all seen it happen: an alarm sounds at a premises for what can seem like hours, and no one seems to care. Needless to say, this isn’t what alarms are for – they are meant to elicit a response. Don’t let your property go untended – line up an alarm response service you can trust.
We’ve all been there: not attending to a little job – not even noticing it needs doing – is fine for a while, but eventually leads to a big problem. A large leak or a serious stock shortage; a larger bill or more disruption. Maintenance matters because you shouldn’t have to notice it.
Outside space matters. Not only is it often practical – from parking lots to muster points – it also often improves working lives and enhances productivity. From green spaces to break-out areas, your grounds are an integral part of your estates and facilities.
An office isn’t just a functional space. It’s an environment, too – and one in which your teams should feel comfortable and motivated. That’s where office management services can help: we handle all the details of office life so you and your staff can focus on the work ahead.
Your premises matter to your business, and they matter to your teams. A clean, tidy and appropriately maintained premises is safer, more efficient – and can even drive sales. In other words, at Kopek Security and Facilities Ltd, we understand that high-quality commercial cleaning services aren’t a nice-to-have; they’re non-negotiable.