
We’ve all been there: not attending to a little job – not even noticing it needs doing – is fine for a while, but eventually leads to a big problem. A large leak or a serious stock shortage; a larger bill or more disruption. Maintenance matters because you shouldn’t have to notice it.

Our facilities maintenance services are designed to keep your estate running smoothly – our goal is that you never notice us, because nothing ever goes wrong. From maintaining your commercial units to servicing your bricks and mortar, we’ll ensure that everything that might need checking is checked.

Over time, this will save you not just time but money – regular maintenance, after all, ensures lower capital spending over time. Looking after your facilities and infrastructure is how you prolong its lifetime. We all know this, but it can be hard to do when we’re focusing on our day-job. At Kopek, our day-job is leaving you to do yours.

From capital assets to parking lots, hallways to boilers, our facilities maintenance teams will get to know your workplace and its needs so that its every corner is kept as it should be. And you can just get on with the job – without disruption.

What we do

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Service with a smile

As part of this service, if necessary, we can liaise with your chosen emergency repair company to re-secure the premises, minimising disruption.

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