Drug and alcohol testing

Detecting the presence of drugs and alcohol is often mission critical. For all sorts of reasons, the need to understand whether an individual or group of people are under the influence of, or have been abusing, these substances is urgent, immediate, and linked fundamentally to the security of your people, premises and work

That’s why Kopek offers drug and alcohol testing that utilises state-of-the-art technology and highly trained personnel to conduct in situ drug and alcohol tests that can be relied on to demonstrate the absence of drugs and alcohol – or alert you to a situation that requires a response.

We use the latest Intelligent Fingerprinting diagnostic units to check for the presence of a variety of drugs simply, quickly and effectively. Our trained teams can deploy and detect both drugs and alcohol in a range of settings, working among all kinds of individuals, and using a number of highly reliable methods. They will obtain as complete an understanding as you need of the drugs and alcohol situation in your given environments.

We work closely with a pioneering Cambridge-based manufacturer Intelligent Fingerprinting who are leading the way in the detection of drugs and alcohol via fingerprint testing, bringing the benefits of the latest scientific research to our clients’ everyday situations. Wherever you need peace of mind, we can deliver reliable drugs and alcohol testing.

What we do

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Service with a smile

As part of this service, if necessary, we can liaise with your chosen emergency repair company to re-secure the premises, minimising disruption.

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