Detection Dogs

We respect our dogs for a reason: they are the best at what they do! Our detection dogs have proven this to be the case again and again. If a client requires the peace of mind that comes from knowing nothing untoward is hiding in their spaces,  we will always turn to our detection dogs for their flawless service.

A dog’s sense of smell is acutely stronger than ours.

This is simply science in action: a dog’s olfactory system is significantly more sensitive to scent than a human, and this gives them significant advantages whenever an area search is required.

From explosives to drugs and bed bugs to firearms, our dog teams can detect out a range of substances, artefacts and objects. Consequently, the variety of operational situations in which our detection dogs can be successfully deployed is remarkably wide. Firearms, pyrotechnics, tobacco, even hard cash: our canine teams are capable of tracking down any odour they have been trained to find.

All teams are BS 8517-2:2016 compliant. Our dog teams are qualified to seek out the widest range of targets, up to and including human remains.

The extent of our dogs’ skills is why we treat them with such respect: because they are valued members of the team. Well-kept – and well-trained – dogs are better performing ones. We take detection seriously – and so do our dogs.

What we do

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Service with a smile

As part of this service, if necessary, we can liaise with your chosen emergency repair company to re-secure the premises, minimising disruption.

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