High Value Vehicle Escorts

Not all loads are created equal – some are more valuable than others. When your HGV is carrying a cargo that counts, our High-Value Vehicle Escort services are there to provide the practical defences – and the visible deterrents – that are needed to be sure valuable goods reach their destination.

The presence of an escort on the road is itself an extremely effective deterrent against theft. Of course, should any robbery be attempting our staff are expertly trained to de-escalate the situation and secure the high-value cargo. In both scenarios, our teams provide peace of mind to drivers, their clients and fellow road-users alike.

Following the HGV closely from point A to point B, our teams can offer geolocations wherever necessary or helpful, and three-word locations to provide pin-point rendezvous and constant monitoring of progress. This service radically reduces any potential for theft and damage – and provides immediate security for any unexpected situations.

Let our expert teams ferry your important goods to safety: discreet when necessary, and visible when vital, they’ll offer the same care for your cargo that you would provide yourself.

What we do

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Service with a smile

As part of this service, if necessary, we can liaise with your chosen emergency repair company to re-secure the premises, minimising disruption.

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