Fire Marshalls

Keeping people and properties safe from fire is among the most important – and fundamental – responsibility our clients have. At events and sites across the country, they trust us and our fire marshals to make sure that everything is as it should be – and the potential for damaging incidents is eliminated.

Of course, sometimes accidents happen – and our Fire Safety teams are also extremely well trained in safe evacuation from business and conference venues, as well as in the fire prevention measures which help prevent the worst from happening.

Fire safety is crucial – but often overlooked. In part this is because it is such a specialist area. Our fire safety team and fire marshals are the solution to this problem: businesses and venues nationwide can rest assured that, in their hands, fire will be kept at bay – and people and property protected.

Like all our other services, our fire security solutions are applied only after an extensive process of getting to know a business or venue, its needs and concerns. A good fire safety plan has to be a tailored fire safety plan – and in every case our fire marshals are aware of the specific requirements of each client and every site.

From evacuation plans to fire safety strategies, our fire marshals and safety professionals exist to prevent fires 99 times out of 100 – and make sure everything and everyone is safe on those rare, unavoidable occasions when an evacuation is necessary. Our experts put all of this in place so that you can get on with the core of your business – and that peace of mind is productive.

Let us help you stay safe from fire – drop us a line to chat things over today.

What we do

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Service with a smile

As part of this service, if necessary, we can liaise with your chosen emergency repair company to re-secure the premises, minimising disruption.

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